The Soup Kitchen In Provincetown (SKIP) depends on lunch sponsorships from individuals and businesses. Just $500 funds our lunch service for a day, that's over 200 meals! You can choose to be a co-sponsor for just $250, or sponsor a whole week of lunches for $2500.
Please be sure to enter a Sponsor Name so that we may acknowledge them on our menu board and on Facebook.

In honor of your friend's wedding, birthday, or as a memorial tribute, consider designating SKIP as your charity of choice in lieu of gifts. Please indicate how your donation is to be listed and both your address and honoree’s address if notification is required.

Donating by way of a trust, will, or bequest, is another way to support SKIP. A bequest is a gift made to charity in your will or trust. One significant benefit of making a gift by bequest is that it allows you to continue to use the property you will leave to charity during your life. Another benefit is that by making a bequest you are able to leave a lasting legacy.
You can choose to leave a specific dollar amount, designate that a percentage of your estate be given through your will or living trust, or give only the remainder, or residue, of your estate –that which remains after bequests to loved ones have been made.
Please consult your legal advisor to remember the Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP) in your estate plan.
Got questions about Legacy Donations? Email us at office@skipfood.org or call the SKIP office at 508-487-8331.
The following is a suggested form for such a bequest:
“I give and bequeath to the Soup Kitchen In Provincetown, a not-for-profit corporation, with principal offices presently located at 20 Shank Painter Road, Provincetown, MA 02657
the sum of $ , to be used for the accomplishment of its general purposes (or for a specific purpose, as indicated).”

Donating stocks is another way you can help SKIP! Giving appreciated stock is a much more effective donation method in terms of tax savings. With a charitable gift of appreciated securities held long-term, the donation you make and the deduction you get are greater than they would be if you were to sell the shares and donate the cash proceeds instead. That is because when you donate shares, you avoid paying the capital gains tax.
Our stock donations are made through our account with Fidelity. To learn more about donating stock to SKIP please contact the SKIP Office at office@skipfood.org or 508-487-8331.

We accept unopened, bulk food donations from restaurants and businesses at the discretion of our chef. All food must be unopened. Please call or email to arrange delivery.